Term dates/School Day

current academic year term dates 

Forthcoming Term Dates



The school day

At Honywood, our school day is designed to give learners the time to explore subjects in more depth. By giving learners 75 minute lessons, and by designing learning to be engaging and promoting our learners to be curious, the 75 minute session give them time to really explore subject material.

Each day, our learners experience 4 x 75 minute learning sessions, and will also attend morning and afternoon registration.  Our learners will spend a 30 minute session with their Learning Group and Learning Group Leader. During this time, learners will develop their understanding of the world around them addressing issues that affect them and the world in which they live.  Once a week, each cohort comes together to attend assembly.
We also offer our learners a variety of extra curricular experiences. This may be sports’ clubs, Expressive Arts, technology or revision sessions for older learners.  We revise this offer each term to ensure our youngsters experience variety and diversity.

Monday - Friday
8.45 Registration
8.55 Learning Session 1
10.10 Break
10.25 Learning Session 2
11.40 - 11.45 Movement Time
11.45 Learning Session 3
1.00 Lunch
1.35 Learning Session 4
2.50 Learning Session 5
3.20 End of Day

Total weekly figure for the compulsory time learners spend in school

32 hours 55 minutes 8.45-3.20 daily Monday through to Friday