LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN AND post looked after children

Dan Smith is the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) and Post Looked After Children (PLAC), and Kerry Nichols the Delegated Lead. 

We take great care to promote the educational achievements and wellbeing of all of our Looked after children children (LAC) and  Previously looked after children (PLAC) children. Looked after children are also often referred to as children in care. Many children in care have had the most significant adverse childhood experiences, and we recognise the importance of providing these children with the care and support they need to be happy, healthy, safe and successful in school.

Looked After Children

Each term we carry out  personalised education planning meetings  (PEPs) for LAC children to update their social  workers and supporting networks with regards  to academic and social progress as well as setting  targets to support them moving forward.  Through these targets, we ensure that we are accessing a range of interventions to support Looked After Children to achieve their very best at school, either through SEMH interventions, mentoring or academic tuition.

Post Looked after children

Schools also receive additional funding for any pupil identified in the spring school census as having left local-authority care because of one of the following:

  • adoption

  • a special guardianship order (SGO)

  • a child arrangements order

  • a residence order

Should your child meet any of these criteria, please contact either dsmith@honywoodschool.com or knichols@honywoodschool.com